Kareena Kapoor and Taimur Ali Khan are heading for quite a reason, because Kareena Kapoor shared a very big raj associated with the birth of Timur Ali Khan with his fans. In fact, Kareena Kapoor recently made a guest as guest at Mother's Day event.
In this event Kareena Kapoor said that when Taimur was born, I had asked doctors first how to save her from pneumonia. How can I protect my child from all the diseases I had heard at that time? Kareena further said that after the birth of Timur, the doctors gave me a chart. I am still following that chart.
Tell all the people that in 2016, Kareena Kapoor became a mother. He gave birth to Timur in 2016. Timur is so small Yet their popularity is not less than the Bollywood stars. Every day Timur's new photos and videos become viral on social media.
A few days ago, Kareena Kapoor went to Arbaaz Khan's talk show where she gave a reply to the trollers. He said that I had a lot of trolls with a photo. In that photo I was standing in front of a private jet. The trailers told me that you are a careless mother. You keep Nain for your child, but what do trawlers know about my life, so keep this in mind that at this time I am showing you the finger that keeps on my mind. Kareena Kapoor's film, Good News, is going to release soon, in which Akshay Kumar plays the lead role.
In this event Kareena Kapoor said that when Taimur was born, I had asked doctors first how to save her from pneumonia. How can I protect my child from all the diseases I had heard at that time? Kareena further said that after the birth of Timur, the doctors gave me a chart. I am still following that chart.
Tell all the people that in 2016, Kareena Kapoor became a mother. He gave birth to Timur in 2016. Timur is so small Yet their popularity is not less than the Bollywood stars. Every day Timur's new photos and videos become viral on social media.
A few days ago, Kareena Kapoor went to Arbaaz Khan's talk show where she gave a reply to the trollers. He said that I had a lot of trolls with a photo. In that photo I was standing in front of a private jet. The trailers told me that you are a careless mother. You keep Nain for your child, but what do trawlers know about my life, so keep this in mind that at this time I am showing you the finger that keeps on my mind. Kareena Kapoor's film, Good News, is going to release soon, in which Akshay Kumar plays the lead role.
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