
Most people like to drink buffalo's milk, but the recent research was conducted, which found that buffalo milk contains toxic metals such as lead and mercury. According to researchers, these metals are in milk because most of the form is around the industrial area.

Researchers studied 100 samples of buffalo milk, which found that Buffalo's milk contains elements such as arsenic, mercury and lead. These samples were taken from Mumbai, Parel, Mumbai Veterinary College, Goregaon, Bhiwadi-Dairy form. WHO has fixed standard of 0.01 per million for milk in milk. But in milk samples, the amount of lead was found, which is very harmful for people's health.

According to Dr. Ashwani Kamli, due to the presence of metals in milk, the animals eat grass that is contaminated with water or metal, due to which the element dissolves in milk and is very harmful due to the health point of view. Everyone knows about milk adulteration.

Milk milk is being sold for many years, which causes great harm to the health. If you also drink buffalo's milk, be careful and avoid drinking adulterated milk, otherwise it can spoil your health. By eating adulterated milk you may also be a victim of a serious disease like cancer.

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